Florida Real Estate Accelerator
Formats: Live Online   

Interactive and self-paced

Mobile compatible

accessible 24/7 

1-year re-take guarantee

State Application and testing process

Submit State Application

You can submit the application via the Department of Professional Business Regulation's website or you can download, print, and mail the form.

The application fee paid to the state is $91.75

It will take approximately 4-6 weeks for the state to process and approve your application.
You can Check application status anytime.

Submit Fingerprints

Appointments are scheduled with the state testing vendor, Pearson VUE. 

Scheduling can be done online, or by calling (877) 238-8232

The fingerprinting fee is $57.25
Your fingerprints must be submitted before your application can be approved.

It will take approximately 2-5 days before your prints are electronically received by the state.